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discount_icon_10 My Self Eyes - Default DIY 28mm eyes (Pupil)[N4-3-1]
  • »óÇ°°¡ 9,000¿ø
  • ÇÒÀΰ¡ 7,200¿ø

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      It is new edition eyes that can be made by yourself. ^^ Now, you will enjoy making eyes by yourself and enjoy special eyes only for you. You can use acrylic paint, manicure, paper or fabric and glitter to make a beautiful eyes. Any slim items will be used as a material for this eyes. Eyeball has been pre-made for your convenience~ This is made in Korea with korean technology only. * Making Method 1. Prepare material of eyes and iris ( like manicure in the photo) 2. Paint color on the middle of the white ( around iris) 3. Put and press iris on the eyes 4. Complete * Included: Iris 2 ae + white 2 ae

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      Notice: 1. This is hand made products. Therefore, it will have a little scratch in this item, seeking your understanding~ 2. This making method is easier than the mothod of normal eyes. ^^

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